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To hike allows us the experience to enjoy our planet, inspires creativity, challenges the boundaries of our mind and tests our physical limits. 


Those who hike, want more. Those who haven’t, can hear nature's call. Come and explore the trails of Trinidad & Tobago, and join a family of nature lovers, adventure seekers, and explorers


That’s why HikeA'Holics Adventure Club was born….

Hiking during COVID-19

Due to coronavirus (COVID-19), we've made changes to some of our policies, which may affect the services we provide.

1. Mask up!

Even when outdoors and in the woods, be sure to have a mask on hand for passing others on the trails. Often times trails aren’t very wide and can bring you closer in proximity to other hikers than 5 feet even if you try your absolute best. Be sure to wear your mask when passing, step off to the side of the trail (safely of course!) and turn away to allow the other hikers to pass comfortably.


2. Sanitize

Just like going anywhere else, be sure to bring sanitizer with you so that you can quickly kill germs after coming into contact with any high-touch points.


3. Hike in a small group

It’s always a good idea to hit the trails with a couple of friends, or family, but being outdoors is not a free pass to get together with a large crowd! Keep your plans to a small group. Be smart and safe!


4. Stay home if you feel sick

Last on this list but most important, stay home and rest if you are experiencing any cold, flu, or other illness symptoms. Not only will your body thank you, but this is the best way to be courteous to the others on the trail. The trails will still be there when you feel better!

Photo of the Week

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